When it comes to our customer satisfaction and needs, there’s no room for compromise. That’s why we work together with our verified suppliers and only with top quality materials, which are guaranteed to deliver to our high expectations.
Why is this product for you?
Our practical JUICE CLEANSE program is a natural alternative to detoxify our body from the many nowadays toxins we encounter each day in the air we breathe, in the water we drink and in the food we eat. Our body is in a constant battle to remove these things out of our system. As we become older, our body gets filled with dirtiness, gumming up the works, slowing metabolism, causing premature aging and disease.
With your body’s new orientation we suggest continuing post cleanse with primarily raw living foods. Start each morning drinking one glass of water with a squeeze of lime. Green smoothies for breakfast. Eat fruit as your preferred snack. If you only see brown on your plate, you need to add color! Eat a variety of vegetables. .
Drink 6 juices per day on +/- 2½ hour intervals. We created a schedule for you if is easier to follow, but the schedule is flexible and own adjusted for each of person. Try to drink plenty of water during the day (12 oz recommended between each juice). The bottles will be marked with day and numbers to follow.